
Quantitative Methods- Assessment

  POPULATION AND SAMPLE A population is an entire group or complete set of individuals or elements about which some specific information is required or in other words something you want to draw conclusions about. So far researchers are interested in answering general questions of interest such as: ·        Architects are interested in understanding the design preferences of all homeowners in a specific urban area. ·        Computer scientists are interested in exploring the efficiency of all algorithms used in a specific category of software applications. ·        Economists are interested in studying the spending habits of all households in a particular country. ·        Environmental scientists are interested in monitoring the pollution levels of all water bodies within a designated region. ·        Psychologists are ...

Demonstrating Quantitative Analysis using SPSS

  Demonstrate some Quantitative Analysis In this case, I will analyze this dataset by making use of binary logistic regression in evaluating the impact of all the independent variables (age, highest education level, weight, height, general health, alcohol drinks per day, caffeine drinks per day, physical fitness, current weight, hours sleep/weekends, how many hours sleep needed) on the dependent variable (problem with sleep), because my outcomes are binary/dichotomous, and binary logistics only assumes two possible outcomes i.e YES or NO. Binary logistic regression try to predict whether someone has a problem with sleep (score = 1) or someone do not have a problem with sleep (score = 0). Some assumptions need to be met in logistic regression analysis. ·       In logistic regression a linear relationship between dependent and independent variables is not required. ·       Homoscedasticity of variance, linearity, and interval ...